We’ve had a lot of butterflies visiting this season. White
ones. Yellow ones. So lovely and graceful. They flit about the yard, high over
the hedges, touching down on flowers and then launching off again into the
sun-drenched summer air. They have the best view of the neighborhood from up
there. And they’re so graceful.
But they weren’t always that way.
Just a few short weeks ago, they were caterpillars, crawling
along the ground or on branches. Lowly. Humble. Unnoticed. Their view was that enormous
ant hill in front of them. Or that colossal tulip stem in their path. They
couldn’t possibly imagine the grandeur that awaited them after their
Like people.
God reminded me the other day that I’m not the person I used
to be. I’m not the woman I used to be. I’m not the mother I used to be. I’m not
the Christian I used to be. I’m not the wife I used to be. I’m changed. He has
changed me. I’ve come out of the chrysalis of change (time and process and the
miracle of God creating me as a new person in Christ) to become a new creature.
Sure, I make mistakes. Butterflies aren’t perfect. They’re just more graceful.
They have a better view from up off the ground. They’re “closer” to their maker
(i.e. they fly).
I wonder if caterpillars know their future.
I wonder if they know they’d due for some huge changes, not only physically, but
also where perspective is concerned.
I couldn’t have even guessed I’d become the person I am
today, and I can only imagine who I’ll be as God continues His work in me.
And like the butterfly that came from a caterpillar’s cocoon,
I can’t take credit for the changes. The transformation is for God’s glory. I
drew near to Him, by His grace, and He changed me.
And, oh, the butterfly’s new freedom! Where before the
caterpillar’s life was limited to the plot of ground she could cover in her
caterpillar days, as a butterfly she can see for miles, land on treetops, soar on
warm breezes. So free! She’s living her calling, flying about and pollenating
flowers and fruit trees.
For freedom
Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore,
do not submit again to a yoke of slavery.
(Galatians 5:1 ESV)
(Galatians 5:1 ESV)
Jesus sets believers free for His glory, His purposes, His
calling. What a delight to serve Him and fulfill one’s calling. We’re free from
the dark confines of a limited space. Free to influence others and change the
world through prayer and actions. Free to glorify our Savior, like a lovely
butterfly beautifies the garden.
Free. New. Saved. Purposeful. His.
How has God changed you over the course of your new life in
Him? And how can you glorify Him today?