Saturday, February 27, 2010

The Best in You

What brings out the best in you?

We've only caught a couple of nights of the Olympics, but I'm still amazed at their mental strength (which I discussed last week).

I consider the coaches who know how to bring out the best in their athletes. Or the figure skater whose entire country holds her to a high standard. Well, that standard seemed to bring out the best in her. She received over 150 points for her program Thursday night!

That kind of pressure would probably bury me. :) How about you? Do high expectations provoke you to be your best?

Recently I had a conversation with a fellow mother about grades. She said she went lenient on her older children, sympathizing, but she doesn't treat her youngest the same. No excuses. Rise to the challenge. And her youngest is thriving in school.

Got me thinking: what brings out the best in me?

When someone needs me, I tend to be my best. Probably because I'm a mother.

Affirmation makes me want to reach higher and succeed.

When someone draws from my strengths I tend to be my best. Teaching, comforting, affirming.

A writing teacher recently described how a group of aspiring writers brought out the best in her just by needing what she could give. I relate with that.

What brings out the best in you? And how do you bring out the best in others?

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