Thursday, February 10, 2011


I’m waiting on spring. A lot of my friends have shared about all the snow they’re getting, record-setting, icy, stormy weather. I shouldn’t complain, since we’re not buried here. But I’d like some spring-like weather. Warm enough for walks or playing in the yard with the family.

You can’t rush spring. It’ll get here when it gets here. And it will get here. Groundhog’s shadow or not, spring will come. Eventually. It’s the waiting that’s hard.

You can’t rush God’s answers. He will answer. He does hear. Sometimes you have to wait. Sometimes the answer is no. Sometimes the answer is yes, but not yet.

You can’t rush warm weather.

You can’t rush blessings.

You can’t force good things to happen.

So, what do you do? Make the most of where you are.

I know of someone who keeps her Christmas tree up all winter (yes, well into February) and lights it on wintry nights. She’s making the most of the cold and snowy weather.

Waiting for a break at work? A promotion? Keep working hard. Be loyal, faithful, dependable. God sees, and He will reward you.

For my writing friends waiting for a contract: keep learning. Keep studying the craft. Don’t give up.

Recently, I struggled with one of my responsibilities. I wear a lot of hats (wave at me if you can relate) and one of those hats seemed a bit too heavy right now. I prayed about it. Why am I here? Is this where God’s wants me (in regards to my involvement with that role) and if so, am I on the right track? Know what God said? “Don’t stop now.” He's implying a breakthrough is coming. The waiting will pay off. The struggle will be worth it.

So, hang in there. Spring will come. A breakthrough may be just around the corner. God is faithful. He is working. Just wait. Trust Him. Be faithful.

Cling to God in the waiting.


Miawa said...

And so He will, always! He is faithful, trustworthy, amazing and never failing.

Annette M. Irby said...

Hey, Miawa, you're so right! I love His faithfulness! Thanks for reading. :)

Marianne Evans said...

Great post, Annette! I love this reminder that we are meant to bloom where we're planted. Faith is knowing that God's plan is perfect, and we are always right where He needs and wants us to be. Now, to be His disciples and make the very most of every opportunity He presents!! Blessings to you!

Annette M. Irby said...

Thanks, Marianne! Just today God came through on some things for me, including a new understanding where waiting is concerned. I love Him for that! God bless!