Saturday, October 12, 2013

Faith Builder Series 5 - Hear from Him

Golden Ocean Wave*

Aren’t you glad God speaks?

The year was 1992 when my new husband and I went off on a Christian retreat together. The topic? Hearing from God, journaling. The setting was perfect—inspiring and beautiful with mild weather. Everyone in attendance was housed in her/his own small cabin, complete with a candle, a matchbook, a “picture” of Jesus, and a notebook and pen.

During the sessions, we received some printouts with descriptions of different ways one can journal: Scripture journaling, prayer journaling, psalm writing. Oh, it was such a gift to be there.

We got started in that first session when the leaders announced: if you aren’t already hearing God’s voice, you soon will.

Now, I grew up believing in God, but I don’t think I’d ever knowingly heard his voice until that weekend. Their promise came true. I did. He spoke to me.

Over the 20+ years since, I’ve learned more about hearing God’s voice—how to discern whether the voice I’m hearing is God, my own, or the enemy’s. I’ve learned about shutting out (through warfare) the voices of the enemy. I’ve learned that laying down my will is the best way to hear God’s answer, especially when asking a “yes or no” question of Him. I’ve learned that what I’m guessing He’ll say isn’t always what He does say. I’ve learned that setting an atmosphere makes all the difference. A prophetic atmosphere is best, but He will speak to me in the everyday mundane moments.

I’ve been journaling for over 20 years. I’ve written letters to God and written down what I heard Him saying as I prayer journaled. Going back and reading those entries build my faith. His answers are so profound. Affirming. Comforting. Challenging. True. Good. Just like Him.

He reiterates His promises.

He encourages.

He exhorts.

His voice builds my faith. He will do what He said He would do. He will take care of the situations weighing on us. He is faithful.

Next time your faith sags, go hear from Him. He’ll shore up your faith. 

* Photo credit: Golden Ocean Wave by By Evgeni Dinev from

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