Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Why is it easier to complain than to be thankful? Thankfulness requires something of us. Humility. Gratitude. By its definition it is something we give, not take. Complaining is looking for others to give—“Oh, you poor thing” or “I know just what you mean. I’d be offended, too.” But thankfulness stands on the opposite side. Thankfulness requires openness, vulnerability, selflessness for a moment of recognizing someone else’s generosity.

~ Thankfulness will cheer us up when we’re discontent.

~ Thankfulness takes our focus off of what we don’t have and puts it on the One who gave us what we do have.

~ Thankfulness is a discipline. It’s much easier to complain. Try to not complain for an entire week. Instead, every time you feel the urge to complain, choose to be thankful for three things instead.

Picture our heavenly Father in His wisdom. He’s waiting for thankfulness. If you, as a parent, were to give your child one thing after another, noting the child’s lack of gratitude, wouldn’t you recognize that child as spoiled? God is far wiser than we are. Why should He continue to bless a thankless person?

This Thanksgiving, offer thanks for every blessing you can name. Watch how the act of thankfulness softens your heart and increases your joy. Be blessed and count your blessings. You are loved.

"Bless the LORD, O my soul,
And forget not all His benefits." (Psalm 103:2)

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