Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Preparing for Easter

Easter, also known as Resurrection Sunday, is this Sunday. In preparation, I made a shopping list with my preschooler today: eggs, baskets, dresses, dinner items. We’re preparing to celebrate around here!

But I’m also preparing my heart.

Some of my friends and family prepare by watching The Passion of the Christ DVD. Some plan to attend the Good Friday services. (We’re having one this at our church. First time I can remember us doing this. I’m very excited!)

If we don’t prepare our hearts, Easter could slip by (even if we attend church) without our hearts truly being impacted by the amazing gift Jesus gave us when He gave us Himself. The amazing sacrifice He made when He willingly went to the cross and died in our place.

I urge you to take some time this week, some extended devotional moments, and really contemplate Jesus’ sacrifice. Read the Gospel accounts of Jesus’ death. Consider His age. Consider His heart toward His people (John’s Gospel is beautiful for this). Consider His courage. Consider His humanity. Consider His intimacy with the Father, that He openly expressed His desires while accepting the Father’s desires. Consider the Father’s heart to send Jesus to the cross. Consider Jesus’ love to willingly go and die. Consider salvation. Now we can accept His free gift of forgiveness and become a part of His family.

And consider the victory of His resurrection. He is not in the tomb! He is risen. He was fully dead. He is now fully alive, seated at the right hand of God the Father. He ascended to heaven in His glorified body. He reigns. HE LIVES!


1 comment:

katy said...

Thank you for your post. I am going to watch Passion of the Christ after Good Friday service. I have not seen it before and I am crying just to think of what Jesus did. I don't know if we can fully comprehend how he felt as this was happening but I will forever praise him for it. He is risen indeed, alleluia!