Thursday, March 22, 2007

So Much More

My baby has learned how to kiss. She moves her head close, presses her lips to my skin and says “mmm-ma.” She’s a sweetheart. I’m glad she’s so affectionate.

But people aren’t the only thing she kisses.

She’ll also kiss her books or her bears or her reflection in the mirror (which is tooo cute!).

But all that affection going toward those inanimate objects sometimes makes me jealous, especially when she first started doing it.

I wonder if that’s a smidgen of what God experiences.

Have you ever enjoyed a rich dessert? You dig your fork into that decadent chocolate brownie and bring it to your mouth. It’s so rich your lips can’t even clean the fork as you draw it back out of your mouth. Your taste buds are having a party. Your endorphins are taking a joyride. You tip your head back in pleasure and close your eyes. “Hmm… heaven.”

Do you ever enjoy God like that?

Now, I know we don’t “eat” God in the way we ingest dessert, but we do partake of Him—His presence, His goodness, His Spirit. Do we enjoy Him more often and with greater pleasure than anything else on earth?

You will make Me know the way of life; in Your presence is fullness of joys. At Your right hand are pleasures forevermore. (Psalm 16:11 ModernKJV)

This season, as we approach Resurrection Sunday, I’m praying for grace to enjoy Him more.

1 comment:

Dawn Kinzer said...

Great insight, Annette. You gave me something to thing about it. I love it when you challenge me to draw into a closer relationship with my Lord. I doooo soooo love chocolate - but I love Him more.