Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Leaning In


A man and his young daughter (6-8 years old) enter a convenience store/gas station where the man pulls a gun on the attendant to rob him. See the terror and unbelief, the sense of betrayal on the little girl's face who is looking at her daddy with stark shock.


An armored car employee shot and robbed. The attackers make off with one bag of money. One bag of money for a man's life. A life.

You've heard the saying "desperate times call for desperate measures," but I think they induce them. Are these people in their right minds as they carry out atrocities? No. They're desperate.

The LORD is near to the broken-hearted; and saves those who are of a contrite spirit. (Psalm 34:18)

Where is Jesus as our economy flounders? As people lose jobs and homes? As stress heats up?

He's leaning in.

Toward the heartbroken family members who lost someone, a victim of murder. Leaning toward the jobless ones needing help. The homeless and the helpless, the poor and those in need (physically, financially, spiritually).

What does He ask?

Lean back.

Turn to Him. Ask for help. Embrace humility and seek Him. Read the Word of God (Bible). Start with the Gospel of John in the New Testament. Try the Psalms, then Proverbs and Ephesians. If you don't have a Bible, you can access Scriptures on-line at and/or go to a church and ask for one. Chances are they'll give you more than a free Bible.

It's time to lay down pride and ask for help.

Maybe you've never turned to God before. He's using your circumstances to draw you. Lean in. He can turn your life around. He can redeem your situation (take a bad situation and make it work out well). He wants to free you, and love you in a way you experience it personally, beyond the words "Jesus loves you" to an encounter with that powerful, life-changing love. It's personal.

Instead of relying on yourself as much, or waiting on someone else (a human or organization) to rescue you, learn to trust God to help you. He created the universe. He is able.

Do you need a job? He is able. A car? He is able. Healing? A relationship restored? He is able.

God designed His creation to rely upon Him, to need Him and go to Him for help. Sure there are things you can do on your own. But if, by the Spirit of God you use His wisdom, you will have greater success, peace, freedom, deeper healing.

Trust in the LORD with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths. Do not be wise in your own eyes; Fear the LORD and depart from evil. (Proverbs 3:5-7)

Remember that movie "While You Were Sleeping"?

There's a great quote in there about leaning. Jack tells Lucy she "leaned" when she hugged Joe Fusco, Jr. She asks him to clarify.

He says, "Hugging is different from leaning. Hugging involves arms and hands. Leaning is very different. Leaning is whole bodies moving in, like this. Leaning involves wanting and accepting. Leaning."

Jesus wants to have a bigger role in your life. We all need Him. We were created with a deep need for Him. He's leaning toward you.

Lean in.

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